Wow!! What a fantastic start we have had to Forest Schools this term. We even had a visit from Robbie the robin!
Year 1 have been super busy designing and making medals, we have learnt how to use a bow saw to cut our wood and then use a palm drill to make a hole in our medal for the string, we then added our design to our medals using felt-tip pens.
We have had a lot of fun learning how to put up tents and using pegs and hammers to secure the ropes.
We have designed and made some amazing fairy dens using the natural materials found in the outdoor learning environment.
Sadly, we the weather was against us and the rain meant we had to stay inside to keep warm and dry for some sessions. However, we made some cool Binoculars out of toilet rolls and decorated them with lots of colourful tissue paper.
We finished our Forest Schools sessions for this half-term by creating a fire so we could heat some popping corn to make popcorn to have with a refreshing drink.