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Local Governing Bodies have the following functions:

  • Monitoring and evaluating School and Pupil progress and attainment

  • Monitoring and evaluating the school’s action plan, Raising improvement plan and SEF

  • Monitoring and evaluating the planning, development and delivery of the curriculum of the school

  • Being a source of challenge and support to the Head Teacher, Senior leaders and school staff

  • Acting as a link governor on a specific issue / aspect of the school, monitoring progress through visits and discussion with relevant staff, and reporting to the governing body 

  • Listening to and reporting to the school’s stakeholders: pupils, parents, staff, and the wider community

  • Ensuring the school staff have the resources and support they require to do their jobs well

  • Recruiting new members of the Local Governing Body as vacancies arise

Ensuring financial probity by:

  • Being aware of spending against the budget

For governing bodies to carry out their roles effectively, governors must be:

  • Prepared and equipped to take their responsibilities seriously

  • Acknowledged as the accountable body by the lead professionals

  • Supported by the appropriate authorities in that task

  • Willing and able to monitor and review their own performance


Copies (via email or hard copies) of Governor meeting agendas, approved and signed minutes and papers considered at those meetings can be requested via Mrs T Gardner in the school office at Dogsthorpe Infant School.

Telephone: 01733566849

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