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We firmly adhere to all statutory policies and guidance and train all staff and governors on an annual basis to ensure everyone is very clear about their own responsibility for and accountability in keeping ALL of our pupils safe.
We have a designated team who lead on Safeguarding:
Mrs Waters - Headteacher. Dogsthorpe Infant School.
Designated Safeguarding Lead.
Safer Recruitment Lead.
Designated Teacher for Looked-After Children.
Miss Gattuso - Deputy Headteacher.
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead & E-Safety Lead.
Mrs Marshall-Sully - SENDCO.
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs Gardner - Administration Manager & P.A. to the Headteacher. Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead.
Miss Stamper - Family Well-being Champion.
Designated Safeguarding Lead.
Mrs Tate - Safeguarding Governor
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