Religious Education and Collective Worship (Shine Time).
Since 1944, all schools have been required to teach RE to all pupils on the school roll.
The aims of Religious Education are to enable pupils to:
acquire knowledge and understanding of religion, particularly as expressed in Christianity and the other principal religions represented in Great Britain.
develop the ability to reflect, respond thoughtfully and evaluate what they learn about religions.
At Dogsthorpe Infants, we follow the SACRE Peterborough Agreed Syllabus. The syllabus supports teachers to plan for deeper levels of knowledge and understanding of religious and non-religious life stances and to develop respect and sensitivity, so that, as future citizens, our children will value and celebrate cultural and religious diversity.
During RE lessons, pupils are given opportunities to explore their own beliefs, values and traditions. We have chosen to focus on CHRISTIANITY and ISLAM but also learn about other religions when exploring places of worship, religious stories, celebrations etc. Visits to places of worship form part of this programme and all children are expected to attend as part of their learning. A request to withdraw from RE and/or assembly must be made in writing to the Head Teacher.
An act of Collective Worship (Shine Time) is held every day. This may take the form of a whole school gathering, a year group assembly, or shared time in the child’s own class. Every act of Collective Worship ends with a quiet time of reflection. Local faith groups are often invited to join the children by leading a 'Shine Time'.
Every half-term parents are warmly invited to our 'Shooting Stars' celebration where we present certificates and celebrate the progress our pupils have made.
Our children are encouraged to develop spiritually, morally, socially and culturally through our RE and Collective Worship as well as other curriculum opportunities.