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Dogsthorpe Infant School presents...
Whenever a new tall building is being built or when an old one needs to be repaired the services of a crane are needed to lift the heavy building materials up to the top of the building.
Other cranes load ships and some smaller cranes are fitted onto lorries to help the lorry driver to load his vehicle with things too heavy for humans to lift.
The tallest crane in the world called Liebherr 11200-9.1 can lift heavy things up to a height of over 167 metres.
It is very important for cranes to be balanced properly when lifting heavy items. If the person operating the crane gets it wrong, the crane could topple over or break in two,
DID YOU KNOW? Cranes are named after the bird of the same name. When the crane is lifting something heavy very high, looks like the shape of the real life bird. Have you seen a real life bird called a 'crane'?
Your LEGO challenge this week is to build a CRANE. Don't forget to send a photo of your model to Mrs Waters and we'll feature it on the website.
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