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School News Archive SPRING TERM 2018
Spring Term 2018 began with another Passport Around The World Day
Our Spring 1 Dinosaur Day for Year 1 classes and our whole-school Book Buzz with parents & carers
We enjoyed Science Week listening to each other's heartbeat and doing fun experiments dressed as mad scientists.
Dogsthorpe Infant School features at The Bett Show 2018 as we become part of the launch of 'ReallySchool' and as part of our handwriting lessons we delivered 'thank you' letters around the school as a random act of kindness.
Staff wellbeing is important to us at Dogsthorpe Infant School. When the children aren't at school our staff training events continue & 'Meet and Munch' meals for our staff that are financially supplied and cooked by our headteacher.
SPRING 1 Learning. As you can see learning is fun at Dogsthorpe Infants. Here are photos from all three year group classrooms as our children continue to Dream Believe and Shine.
Our latest community project is launched at the local Olive Branch Community Garden. Learning is fun at D.I.S.
Year 1 classes learn about old toys of the past - 'History Off The Page' visits Dogsthorpe Infant School.
New artwork in our front entrance of school to reflect our community's ethnic and cultural diversity.
Very heavy snowfalls and neighbouring school & academy closures didn't stop 'Dogsthorpe Infants' from remaining open throughout the whole week of weather disruptions. Our pupils built amazing book character models in our Book Week (26 Feb- 2Mar) and unlike some local closed schools, we were there to celebrate World Book Day' on March 1st.
Over 200 mums, grandmas and carers came into school on the Friday before 'Mothers Day' to spend an afternoon in our classrooms and in 'Shine Time'.
Our Governors spent the day in school with pupils, parents and staff. They also looked at the progress we had made by checking our learning Journals and subject-related work books.
Our Reception classes went to Sacrewell Farm to learn about rural life and met some new friends waiting to say hello!
We met 'The Doctor' and went back in time in the Tardis.... to visit some of the people our classes are named after.
After the Peterborough Drama Festival was cancelled due to the heavy snow, we held our own Drama Festival.
As Spring Term 2018 draws to its close at Dogsthorpe Infants we continue to build our friendships and make happy memories that will last our whole life. No-one will ever forget the happy days we all spent with 'Dazzle & Sparkle' in the school we love so much.
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